If you're not interested, we r not interested...

This was said to us by one of our seniors while assigning us work related to an event that we organize...Since then the guy and the quote has become the butt of a lot of jokes...Basically, it was the manner and the tone in which he had said it...With a pronounced chin outwards, and a disinterested tone, trying to be serious and scold us, "Guys, if ur not interested, we r not interested"...It had driven me to instant fits of laughter, and I had to control myself a lot to maintain a straight face...

Now the reason I am writing abt this right now is tat I have to go for an event tat is organised by PGDITM students in NITIE, an event i absolutely have no interest in attending, but have to attend it cos we would need their support for the event tat we wud organise a fortnight later...
So off i go...ciao...


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